It all starts with a good plan.
Save $100+
Instant access to hundreds of free assets
Single User | Cancel Anytime
Stock Media Library
Free Downloads Only
Stock Media Requests
Exclusive Plugins
Shifter Plugin Only
Video Review Platform
1 Month Trial
Portfolio Site Builder
1 Month Trial
Customer Support
Limited Customer Support
Review & Upload Storage

All memberships are for single users only. Assets from Motion Array are licensed to the user with the paid subscription.

marketplace Marketplace
Free Monthly Annual
Unlimited Downloads - check check
Access Nearly 500,000 Assets Free Only check check
New Assets Daily - check check
Access Curated Collections check check check
Create Custom Collections check check check
Simple Licenses check check check
Library Extension For Adobe Free Only check check
integrations Integrations
Free Monthly Annual
Extension For Adobe Premiere Pro Free Only check check
Extension For Adobe After Effects Free Only check check
Extension For Adobe Photoshop Free Only check check
Browse, Search, Download & Import Assets Free Only check check
request Media Requests
Free Monthly Annual
Submit Requests For Custom Assets - check check
Contributors Fulfill Asset Requests - check check
plugins Plugins
Free Monthly Annual
Exclusive Premiere Pro Plugins Shifter Plugin Only check check
Drag & Drop Functionality Shifter Plugin Only check check
Single Installer Shifter Plugin Only check check
New Plugins Added Regularly Shifter Plugin Only check check
Free Monthly Annual
Frame Accurate Video Feedback 1 Month Trial check check
Completely White Labeled 1 Month Trial check check
Use Your Own Domain 1 Month Trial check check
Real Time Notes 1 Month Trial check check
Drag & Drop Uploads 1 Month Trial check check
Unlimited Versioning 1 Month Trial check check
Optional Password Protection 1 Month Trial check check
Customizable Logos 1 Month Trial check check
Free Monthly Annual
Video Portfolio Site Builder 1 Month Trial check check
Professionally Designed Templates 1 Month Trial check check
Add, Delete, & Rearrange Sections 1 Month Trial check check
Change Colors & Fonts 1 Month Trial check check
Use Your Own Domain 1 Month Trial check check
Customizable Logos 1 Month Trial check check
Customer Support
Free Monthly Annual
Live Chat & Email Support Limited Standard Standard
Help Center Articles check check check
Meet some of our crew members.

Motion Array has everything. Tons of great assets. Smart review tools and fast customer service. Perfection!

William Beebe
Brian Caiazza

The right assets for the best videos

Download every asset you need, when you need it, from templates and stock video, to photos, music, and sound effects.

right assets for best videos

Keep your focus with time saving integrations

Browse, download, and import everything you need without leaving your favorite applications.

keep your focus

The best Premiere
Pro plugins

Add unique touches to your videos with native drag & drop plugins built exclusively for our members.

best premiere pro plugins

Fast video collaboration,
faster video approvals

Share video projects with clients and collaborators. Get real-time, frame accurate feedback with on screen annotations. And, celebrate with one click approvals.

fast video collaboration

Show your skills to
the world

Create your own video portfolio site in a snap. With professional templates and loads of customization, it's time for you to show off you.

show your skills

Frequently Asked Questions


What is Motion Array, and what is included in a membership?

Motion Array is an all-in-one professional filmmakers platform, with unlimited asset downloads, exclusive Premiere Pro plugins, real-time video collaboration and approvals, and a video website builder all included in Motion Array memberships.


Can I use Motion Array assets for commercial use?

Absolutely! Most assets are completely cleared for commercial use. A smaller number of video and image assets are labeled as “Editorial use only.”


How does the unlimited download license work?

As a paid member, you can use unlimited assets from our Marketplace in as many projects as you’d like. If you cancel your paid membership, you can no longer use your downloaded assets in new projects.


Can I cancel at any time?

Yes! Just switch to a Free plan at any time, and you won’t be billed again!


What happens to my distributed videos after cancelling my subscription?

All videos created and published during an active subscription are cleared forever.


Are the Marketplace asset downloads really unlimited?

As a paying member, you can download as many assets as you need. Just remember that memberships only cover a single user, and we don’t allow automatic downloading tools.